What a day...
Alexandra's Articles In CES 2009
January 10, 2009 by Alexandra
  Today was the last day of the funniest place on Earth... aside from Disney World. It was so fun to check out all the cool new things that CES has to offer. Here are some quick snapshots of our last day: The Boss Man  Me and Brad posing. We're auditioning to be booth babes. Getting excited to see what wonderful treats today's journey's will bring. The Electric Car This was probably one of the coolest things we saw the whole time. I'm really in to the thought...
January 9, 2009 by Alexandra

I have to admit that CES is pretty cool. There is so much to look at and see that it's hard to pick out the coolest parts. So here goes my shot at the title for the first day at CES:



Talk about sweet! There were so many awesome car accessories to go with these amazing cars I couldn't believe it. The one on the left is definitely my favorite. I'm thinking about asking Brad for a raise...

M & M
